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Legionella 退伍軍人菌

Typical Legionella colonies on BCYE Agar
Typical Legionella colonies on BCYE Agar

Legionella pneumophila is a pathogenic bacterium that causes the fatal Legionnaires’s disease in human. Patients with Legionnaire’s disease usually suffer from pneumonia and fever. The disease is usually transmitted through inhalation of aerosol containing Legionella pneumophila.


Legionella pneumophila is found best grown in warm water, thus, warm water system, for example, cooling tower system, central air conditioning systems, spas and hot springs, drinking water system, etc, are believed to be breeding ground of the hazardous organism.


To prevent Legionnaires’s disease, surveillance and control of large water system should be done regularly. In Hong Kong, Code of Practice for Water-cooled Air Conditioning Systems published by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), HKSAR Government, recommended that the cooling tower water should be tested for Legionella spp. monthly or quarterly.


Enviro Labs Ltd. (ELL) holds HOKLAS accreditation for enumeration of Legionella using AS/NZS 3896:2017 or ISO 11731:2017 methods (EMSD recognized methods), providing reliable and accurate data for customers.

Typical Legionella colonies on BCYE Agar

BCYE 瓊脂上的典型退伍軍人菌菌落


退 伍軍人病菌生長於溫暖潮濕的環境,常見於冷卻水塔系統、中央空調系統、溫泉和熱浴池等。這些地方一般被認為是該病菌滋生的最佳環境。


至於預防退伍軍人的疾病,定期監測水質是最有效的方法。根據香港機電工程署所發出的水冷式空調系統實務守則,建議定期 (每月或每季)檢查水塔水是否含有退伍軍人病菌。

環境化驗有限公司 提供的退伍軍人菌檢測服務 (AS/NZS 3896:2017, ISO 11731:2017 機電工程署認可方法) 已獲得HOKLAS認証,為客戶提供可靠凖確的數據。

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