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Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus 弧菌

Vibrio spp. are gram negative, facultatively anaerobic motile curved rods bacteria. Among the members of the genus, 12 species have so far been reported to be pathogenic to humans, where eight of these may be associated with foodborne infections of the gastrointestinal tract. In Hong Kong, most of the foodborne infections are caused by Vibrio cholerae (VC) and Vibrio parahaemolyticus (VP).

Vibrios are usually associated with live seafood as these bacteria are abundant and well adapted in marine water environment. Healthy live fish is protected by its immune system and therefore bacteria cannot grow in its flesh. However, when the fish dies, the immune system no longer functions and the bacteria present are able to reproduce rapidly under suitable condition. Vibrio bacteria may be found on the skin, gills as well as the intestinal tracts of fish or shellfish. If subsequent handling is improper and that there is no or inadequate pathogen reduction step (e.g. cooking) afterwards, the level of bacteria in the final product may increase to such an extent that may present a health risk to consumers.


Enviro Labs - HOKLAS Accredited Method:

ISO/TS 21872-1:2007

Vibrios are usually associated with seafood.


弧菌是革蘭氏陰性,兼性厭氧,會動的彎型細菌。弧菌屬成員中,迄今報告有12種會使人類致病,其中 8 種可引致腸道感染。在香港,大部分的弧菌食物感染是由 霍亂弧菌 Vibrio cholerae 和 副溶血性弧菌 Vibrio parahaemolyticus 引致。


參考資料: 香港食物安全中心

環境化驗 HOKLAS 認可方法:

ISO/TS 21872-1:2007

Foods Susceptible to Vibrio Contamination 容易受到弧菌(VC, VP)污染的食物

  1. Raw oysters

    • 生蠔

  2. Raw or undercooked clams

    • 生或未煮熟的蜆

  3. Raw or undercooked mussels

    • 生或未煮熟的青口

  4. Raw or undercooked scallops

    • 生或未煮熟的扇貝

  5. Raw or undercooked shrimp

    • 生或未煮熟的蝦

  6. Raw or undercooked crab

    • 生或未煮熟的蟹

  7. Sashimi and sushi made from raw fish

    • 生魚片及壽司

  8. Undercooked or raw fish (e.g., mackerel, tuna, sardines)

    • 生或未煮熟的魚 (如鯖魚、吞拿魚、沙丁魚)

  9. Seafood salads (if not properly stored)

    • 海鮮沙律(若未妥善存放)

  10. Seafood soups and stews (if not cooked thoroughly)

    • 海鮮湯及燉菜(若未徹底煮熟)

Prevention Tips 預防提示:

  • Cook seafood thoroughly to kill bacteria. 徹底煮熟海鮮以消滅細菌。

  • Avoid cross-contamination between raw and cooked foods. 避免生熟食物交叉污染。

  • Store seafood at proper cold temperatures to prevent bacterial growth. 在適當的低溫下儲存海鮮,以防止細菌生長。

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