HOKLAS Accreditation
The Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) is an accreditation scheme operated by the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS). The objective of the scheme is to upgrade the standard of testing and management of Hong Kong laboratories and to officially recognise competent testing laboratories in Hong Kong. HOKLAS accreditation criteria are in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 "General Requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories".
Enviro Labs Ltd. (ELL) is registered as a HOKLAS accredited laboratory (registration number 128) and our standard of testing complies with the ISO/IEC 17025. As a HOKLAS accredited laboratory, our capabilities to perform specific tests are assured and officially recognized by the Government Departments. Through mutual recognition agreements, our HOKLAS endorsed test reports are accepted by a number of countries including China, Chinese Taipei, Japan, Singapore, Australia, United States, EU, etc. Updated scope of accreditation of our laboratory is available on the web-site of HKAS.
香港實驗所認可計劃(HOKLAS)是一項由香港認可處(HKAS) 管理的認可計劃。計劃的宗旨為提升香港實驗所的測試及管理 水平及向本港有能力的測試實驗所予以確認和正式承認。HKAS 認可準則是根據國際標準ISO/IEC 17025:2017而制定。
環境化驗有限公司(ELL)已在香港認可處註冊為香港認可實驗所(註冊編號為128),因此我們的測試及管理水平均符合ISO/IEC 17025的規定。作為HOKLAS認可的實驗室,我們進行特定測試能力得到保證和各政府部門的正式承認。透過相互承認協定,我們簽發的HOKLAS化驗報告,均為多個國家承認 (包括中國、中華台北、新加坡、澳洲、美國、歐盟等地)。有關我們實驗室的認可範圍,請參閱香港認可處網頁。