Soil & Compost Testing 土壤及堆肥測試
Soil Nutrients Testing 土壤養料成份測試

A soil test reveals the nutrients composition of the soil or compost. Since different plants require nutrients with different quantities to grow best, determination of the nutrients in soil or compost could help gardeners or farmers to optimize their crops or plants.
Soil & compost tests usually include major nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K); and secondary minerals such as calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), aluminum (Al), etc.
土壤測試揭示了土壤或堆肥的營養成分。 由於不同的植物需要不同數量的養分才能最好地生長,因此測定土壤或堆肥中的養分可以幫助園丁或農民優化他們的作物或植物。
土壤和堆肥測試通常包括主要養分,如氮 (N)、磷 (P) 和鉀 (K); 以及次生礦物,如鈣(Ca)、鎂(Mg)、鐵(Fe)、錳(Mn)、銅(Cu)、鋅(Zn)、硼(B)、鉬(Mo)、鋁(Al )等。
Soil TextureTesting 土壤性質測試
Soil can be classified into four major textural classes, namely, sands, silts, loams and clays. Soil texture is important characteristic as it affects various soil properties such as drainage, water holding capacity, aeration, susceptibility to erosion, organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, etc.; all these factors could have in turn a large impact on plant or crop growth.
土壤可分為四個主要質地類別,即砂、淤泥、壤土和黏土。 土壤質地是重要的特徵,因為它影響土壤的各種性質,如排水、持水能力、通氣性、侵蝕敏感性、有機質含量、陽離子交換能力等; 所有這些因素反過來可能對植物或農作物的生長產生重大影響。
Compost Maturity Testing 堆肥腐熟

The maturity of compost refers to the completeness of the composting process. Determination of the maturity of compost is important as it reveals the potential impact of the compost on the availability of nitrogen, a major nutrient for plant growth in soil or growth media. Mature compost benefits plant growth without depleting the oxygen or nitrogen in soil. While immature compost could be used to increase the amount of organic matter in soil, despite the fact that it may have undesirable properties like odor or even substances inhibiting plant
growth. Compost maturity could be determined from the Carbon to Nitrogen ratio. According to the CCQC (California Compost Quality Council), Compost Maturity Index could be related to the characteristics summarized in the following table.
堆肥的成熟度是指堆肥過程的完整性。 堆肥成熟度的確定很重要,因為它揭示了堆肥對氮的可用性的潛在影響,氮是土壤或生長介質中植物生長的主要養分。 成熟的堆肥有益於植物生長,不會消耗土壤中的氧氣或氮氣。 儘管未成熟的堆肥可用於增加土壤中有機物的含量,但它可能具有不良特性,例如氣味或抑制植物生長的物質。 堆肥成熟度可以根據碳氮比來決定。 根據加州堆肥品質委員會(CCQC),堆肥成熟度指數可能與下表總結的特徵相關:

Please feel free to find us to know more information about the tests. Call us at 2676 2983 or e-mail info@envirolabs.com.hk for details of the services.
如有查詢,請聯絡我們 (電話 2676 2983 或 電郵 info@envirolabs.com.hk) 進行有關測試。